
Child and Family Services Conversation

We will have three engagement sessions that will draw on years of experience and work of frontline childcare providers, social workers, government partners, elders and Métis citizens to identify opportunities to address decades of Métis children being removed from their families unnecessarily and to focus on providing every chance for Métis children to grow up feeling valued and connected to their families, cultures, languages and the Métis Nation. Participants will have an opportunity to set out key principles that will prevent children from being taken from their homes, promote children to stay in their communities, Métis Nation and ensure the ‘best interest of the child principle’ and is applied from a Métis lens for Métis children and families. As a recognized Nation and government, the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, as part of the transition and in collaboration with other governments, will look toward exercising its legislative authority in relation to child and family services for the provision of services and support measures on behalf of its Métis citizens.

Everyone is welcome to attend and you will be responsible for your own travel and accommodation (i.e. hotel, mileage, etc.). Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please register your attendance at and for which location you plan on attending in advance of the scheduled engagement session.

Central region: August 7 in Saskatoon
Northern region: August 21 in Prince Albert
Southern region: September 11 in Regina

Download the entire 2019 CFS Notice of Engagement here
Download the 2019 CFS Engagement Agenda here.

Contact us to register!

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan
310 20th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0A7