
New public health measures announced to further reduce COVID-19 transmission risk.

December 15, 2020 – Kii-kay-taak, let’s heal. The province announced today that additional measures will be in effect starting Thursday morning, December 17, at 12:01 am.

Private, Indoor Gatherings

  • Indoor private gatherings will be limited to immediate household members only.
  • Single individuals are permitted to meet with one, consistent household of less than five individuals. 
  • Co-parenting arrangements can continue. 
  • Caregivers and other home support services can continue. 

Outdoor Gatherings

  • People may meet and physically distance outdoors with up to 10 people.

Effective December 19th

The measures below will start at 12:01 am on Saturday, December 19th:

Personal Services and Event Venues

  • Casinos and bingo halls will be closed.
  • Personal services may operate at 50 per cent capacity, including staff and clients. This includes hairdresser/barber, esthetics, massage therapy, acupuncture, tattooing, etc. For a complete list of personal services, see
  • Event venues, conference facilities, arenas, arts venues, museums, movie and live theatres and banquet facilities may still hold events with up to 30 individuals.  During events, all guests must be seated.  Food and drink are not allowed, unless stated in the order. 
  • Weddings and funeral ceremonies and places of worship are allowed up to 30 people per facility.

Effective December 25th

The measures below will start at 12:01 am on Friday, December 25th:


  • Retail services will be reduced to 50 per cent.
  • Large retail locations (greater than 20,000 square feet) will limit their capacity to 25 per cent.

These measures will be applied in addition to the Re-Open Saskatchewan guidance and the public health order, and if there are disparities, new measures will be in place.

All measures will remain in effect until January 15, 2021. They will then be reviewed by the provincial Chief Medical Health Officer.

Full announcement details are available here

Information on the Re-Open Saskatchewan guidelines is available here.

General public inquiries may be directed to

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