
Métis Guardians Program

**Applications for the Métis Guardians Program are now closed, and the application assessment process is underway. Thank you to everyone who participated. Guardians Monitor applications will reopen in 2025.**

March 1, 2024 – The Métis Nation­–Saskatchewan Ministry of Lands and Environment is proud to announce the Métis Guardians Program!

Métis communities have always played a vital role in protecting our environment, and this is your opportunity to take stewardship of the land into your own hands as a Guardians Monitor with the Métis Guardians Monitoring Network. Play an active, meaningful role in environmental monitoring across the province, with a focus on climate change, emergency response, and culture. The Métis Guardians Monitoring Network will involve both western science and traditional knowledge to form a braided system of environmental protection.

Learn more and apply.