
MN–S Métis Centre of Excellence to fill Saskatoon gap in childcare

May 8, 2024 – Construction is about to begin on the new, state-of-the-art MN–S Métis Centre of Excellence, Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) centre in Saskatoon.

Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) Elders helped bless the ground during a special ceremony this afternoon, appropriately on Early Childhood Educators Appreciation Day, to mark the start of construction on the 90-space, culturally appropriate daycare centre.

Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) Elders helped bless the ground during a special ceremony this afternoon, appropriately on Early Childhood Educators Appreciation Day, to mark the start of construction on the 90-space, culturally appropriate daycare centre.

MN–S Vice President Michelle LeClair said, “Our children are the future of our Métis Nation in Saskatchewan. Helping to nurture our families through distinctions-based care for children will help them embrace their Métis identity, culture, values, and language. By providing a safe space during their early years, we are setting up our children for future success.”

“Our MN–S government is proud to be able to help our Métis families not just with necessary childcare but a centre that provides culturally appropriate programming that will empower the children to explore their Métis heritage and grow up with pride in their identities.” Added ELCC Minister Sherry McLennan.

The ELCC Métis Centre of Excellence is expected to open in the fall of 2025

Ground blessing/groundbreaking at future home of the MN–S ELCC Centre of Excellence in Saskatoon, May 2024