Housing Who are the Métis? What is Métis Nation – Saskatchewan? Governing Members President Glen McCallum Affiliates Back To Batoche Child and Family Services Constitutional Reform COVID Early Learning and Childcare Education Emergency Alert General Assembly Health & Well-Being Housing MMIWG Métis Family Information Liaison Outreach MNLA MN–S Métis-Owned Business Database Provincial Métis Council Sixties Scoop Vaccine Métis Veterans UNDRIP Youth 2022/24 Call for Proposals: Projected Budget Application Form "*" indicates required fields Legal Name of Organization*Proposed Project Name*Contact Name*Email*PROJECT BUDGET (RH -Funded Activities)Note: Unspent funds are monitored each fiscal year and may be removed from project budgets for reallocation. Therefore, applicants and propsals will be assessed for any risk of not spending the HPS funds propoosed within the timelines provided.Pre-Development Costs (Land / Building)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationPre-Development (Demolition)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationPre-Development Costs (Servicing)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationDevelopment CostsBreakdown, Details and ExplanationFacility Construction / Renovation / Expansion / RepurposingBreakdown, Details and ExplanationEquipment / Vehicle / Furniture Purchase (Capital Assets)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationOther Sources of FundingSupporting documentation required to verify. Partnership Delcaration Letter as per Appendix of the Application Guide or other documentation. Note: While matching funding is not a requirement for your project to be considered, it is highly recommended that projects proposed for HPS funds are matched by the applicant, dollar for dollar, either in-kind or cash/financial contributions. Matching funding is part of the project assessment criteria, and can improve your assessment score. Please detail the cash and in-kind contributions that you will be receiving from other sources for this project for each year you are requesting funding (i.e. Organizations, amount of contribution, nature and value of contribution, purpose of funding). As well, please list your organization's cash and in-kind contributions. Supporting documentation is required upon submission, as per the template in the Appendix of the CFP Application Guide.Applicant Cash EquityBreakdown, Details and ExplanationApplicant Cash Equity (Loan)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationPartner Cash EquityBreakdown, Details and ExplanationApplicant Land EquityAppraisal RequiredBreakdown, Details and ExplanationPartner Land EquityAppraisal RequiredBreakdown, Details and ExplanationOther Land EquityAppraisal RequiredBreakdown, Details and ExplanationSupporting Documentation RequiredSask Housing CorporationBreakdown, Details and ExplanationSaskatoon Health RegionBreakdown, Details and ExplanationMinistry of Social ServicesBreakdown, Details and ExplanationCity of Saskatoon(i.e. Tax relief)Breakdown, Details and ExplanationOther AgenciesBreakdown, Details and ExplanationDo proposed administrative expenses exceed 15% of the total Reaching Home funds being requested? Yes No ExplanationAre Reaching Home-funded wages within the prevailing rates for the relevant occupations in the community? Yes No CommentsAre capital costs included within prevailing market rates and represent fair market value?* Yes No Explanation