
Definition of Métis:

“Métis means a person, who self identifies as Métis, is distinct from other Aboriginal peoples, is of historic Métis Nation Ancestry and is accepted by the Métis Nation.”

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of obtaining my Métis Nation–Saskatchewan citizenship card?

Here is a list of complete Citizenship benefits to date.

How long does it take to receive my citizenship card?

Process time will vary because all applicants provide different documentation. Some applicants provide all required documentation thus the application can be processed within a couple months. If the applicant needs to order a birth or marriage certificate or research is required, the application processing time will increase.

Does my card expire?

No. Only the photo on the Métis citizenship card expires and needs to be updated every five years.

When do youth certificates expire?

Effective August 1, 2022, Youth Certificates are issued to applicants 0-11 yrs. who have completed the application process. Youth certificates expire when the individual turns 12 years old and becomes eligible to receive a card.

How do I renew my photo?

Photo renewal can be done at any Registry office. You will need valid government issued photo ID, a valid Saskatchewan Health Card and be prepared to take a new photo.

How do I update my address and contact information?

Complete the Change of Address form and submit to any of the Registry offices or mail/fax/email to the Provincial Citizenship office in Saskatoon.

How do I update my file if my name has changed?

Complete the Change of Name Form. Submit the form, copy of valid photo ID & Saskatchewan Health Card is required at the time of submission and a proof of name change to any of the Registry offices or mail/fax/email to the Provincial Citizenship office in Saskatoon.

Does the Registry issue letters for schooling, sport, or employment purposes?

No. The Registry will no longer issues letters. Applications are processed on a first come basis and only a generic letter stating that a person has applied will be issued. If proof of Métis ancestry is required for funding, enrolment or employment, the applicant will need to apply and complete the application requirements at least six months in advance.

Someone has passed away how does the family update the Registry?

The Registry requires a written letter from the next of kin, an obituary, funeral card, or death certificate in order to update the individual as deceased.

How do I request a copy of the genealogy in my file?

Complete the Genealogical Request Form and submit to the Registry office. The request is reviewed to determine which documents were submitted by the applicant and which documents where provided by the Registry. Only documents submitted by the applicant or records in the public realm will be released. A $40 processing fee applies to all files. Valid photo ID is required at the time of submission.

Who does the genealogical research for the file?

Registry staff are trained in genealogical research and in processing applications.  Certified Genealogy staff complete in-depth research as required. The MN–S Registry will assist with research, but it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide mandatory genealogical documentation, as requested by the MN–S Registry staff. More information can be found at

How do I replace a lost or stolen card?
Complete the Replacement Card Form and submit it for processing. Valid photo ID is required at the time of submission. A $25 processing fee applies to all requests for card replacements.

Can the Registry access files from other provinces or government agencies?

No, privacy laws do not allow the MN–S Registry to access your personal information held with another registry or government department.

What is the INAC search?

The Registry performs regular searches with the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada / Indigenous Services Canada to cross reference the applicants who have applied for their Indian Status. If an applicant’s name appears as someone who has received Indian Status the Registry will issue a letter informing them that their name appears on the Indian Registry and therefore, they will be removed from the Métis Registry. For more information on who is eligible for Indian status:

Where can I get genealogical information?

The Provincial Citizenship Registry has a private collection of records including Métis Scrip, fur trade, Church records, and Vital Statistics it will consult when processing applications. The burden of proof lies with the applicant to provide the documents required for the process.  There are many archival sources of information available online and in archives, museums, societies, and libraries. The more common locations to access historical records are:

  • Library and Archives of Canada: Métis scrip and census records
  • Church records, probate files, vital statistics and census record
  • Hudson Bay Company Archives: Fur trade records
  • Digitized copies of records held at the Library and Archives of Canada.
I was adopted, what do I need?

If you were adopted, you will need to contact the government department for adoptions in the province  that handled the adoption. You will need to request a copy of the adoption information on file for your adoption. It will need to show your name change and a copy of the “Registration of Live Birth” to connect you to the Métis birth parent.

Where is the Métis Homeland?
The Métis National Council defines the Métis and the Historical Métis Homeland as:

The Métis emerged as a distinct people or nation in the historic Northwest during the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. This area is known as the “Historic Métis Nation Homeland,” which includes the three Prairie Provinces and extends into Ontario, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and the northern United States. This Historic Métis Nation had recognized Aboriginal title, which the Government of Canada attempted to extinguish through the issuance of “scrip” and land grants in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

I applied before 2009 or at a Local do you have my information on file?

No. The Registry only has information and files for people who applied after 2009. Locals do not submit their information on their members to the Registry.

I have one non-Indigenous parent and one Status Indian parent. Does that make me Métis?

Not necessarily. You will need to apply and provide information about your Métis ancestry.

I have an ancestor who was an Indian. Does that make me Métis?

Not necessarily. You will need to apply and provide information about your Métis ancestry.

My ancestry is from Quebec, Eastern Canada, or the United States am I eligible to apply to the Métis Registry in Saskatchewan?

The MN–S Registry operations are based on the Métis Nation–Saskatchewan Constitutional definition:

“Métis means a person who self-identifies as Métis, is distinct from other Aboriginal Peoples, is of historic Métis Nation ancestry, and is accepted by the Métis Nation.”

All applicants must be able to prove that their Métis ancestor:

  • Lived in the Historical Métis Homeland during the 1800’s,
  • Was recognized as Métis (Half Breed) in the historical records, such as Census, Métis Scrip or fur trade or government records while prior to 1901 in the Historical Métis Homeland,
  • Was distinct from other aboriginal groups or settlers living in in the Historical Métis Homeland.