
Métis Climate Leadership Engagements

September 27 – The Métis Nation–Saskatchewan Ministry of Lands and Environment is bringing Métis Climate Leadership Engagements to communities across Saskatchewan. We want to hear from you on the environmental concerns, values, and priorities of Métis citizens in...

The Li Muskeg Ni Pishkaapahtaynaan (Protect Our Muskegs) Project

September 6 - The Métis Nation–Saskatchewan Ministry of Lands & Environment invites you to take part in the Li Muskeg Ni Pishkaapahtaynaan (Protect Our Muskegs) project. Through an ongoing series of walks and workshops, the project will promote education and...

Early Learning and Language Childcare Conferences

September 5 - Are you a childcare provider interested in learning more about Métis culture within the framework of early learning? Métis Nation–Saskatchewan invites you to attend an Early Learning and Language Childcare Conference in Meadow Lake, Regina, or Saskatoon....

Child and Family Services Engagement Sessions

August 31, 2023 – Métis people have the inherent right to self-determination and self-government, including providing Métis-distinct child and family services in our communities. As such, the Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is working to advance the rights of our...

Back to Batoche Days opens with ceremony and celebration

July 21, 2023 – Batoche, SK – It is the largest outdoor celebration of Métis identity, culture, values, and language. The Back to Batoche Days festival is officially underway in Saskatchewan. Opening ceremonies this morning helped to welcome the nation to Batoche with...

June ‘Tea and Talks’ discusses importance of good oral health

June 29, 2023 – The June Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) online Tea and Talks / Li Tii Minihkwaytaak Piikishkwaytaak: A Métis Health Series will focus on the importance of oral health. The episode features Dr. Sheri McKinstry, pediatric dentist and founder of the...

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan
310 20th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0A7