Housing – Call For Proposals

New Expression of Interest to reduce impacts of homelessness

Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is pleased to announce it expects to receive additional funding under Canada’s Reaching Home strategy. These funds, available for the current fiscal year and to be utilized by March 2025, are for projects that focus on wrap-around services to help those with complex housing needs are encouraged to apply.

The new Expression of Interest (EOI) call requirements differ in funding dates and amounts from the previously announced Call for Proposals (CFP).

Both calls look for applications that provide social and housing-first supports, as well as capital projects that are specific to the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. MN–S Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure is focused on applicants demonstrating a strong ability to partner across funders and with community organizations.

Both application processes are open until December 12, 2024, at 4 pm.

Expression of Interest 2025:

To apply:

 Call for Proposals (CFP) 2025-26:

To apply:

The RH Capital Project 5-year Operational Budget document must be included with your CFP application.
Download the document to your computer, complete the form, and email it to: reachinghome@mns.work.

If you have any questions about the call for proposals, please email reachinghome@mns.work.


Métis Nation-Saskatchewan
310 20th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0A7